Forex Trading In India Legal 2015 Skjema

Forex-kontoer er også tilgjengelige i alle hovedstader i India som Andhra Pradesh - Hyderabad Sikandrabad, Arunachal Pradesh - Itangar, Assam - Dispur, Bihar - Patna, Chhattisgarh - Raipur, Goa - Panaji, Gujarat - Gandhinagar Surat, Haryana - Chandigarh Faridabad, Himachal Pradesh - Shimla, Jammu og Kashmir - Srinagar og Jammu, Jharkhand - Ranchi, Karnataka - Bangalore Mangalore, Kerala - Thiruvananthapuram, Madhya Pradesh - Bhopal Indore, Maharashtra - Mumbai, Manipur - Imphal, Meghalaya - Shillong, Mizoram - Aizawl, Nagaland - Kohima, Orissa - Bhubaneshwar, Punjab - Chandigarh, Rajasthan - Jaipur, Sikkim - Gangtok, Tamil Nadu - Chennai, Tripura - Agartala, Uttaranchal - Dehradun, Uttar Pradesh - Lucknow, Vest-Bengal - Kolkata Også disse forex kursene er tilgjengelige i disse byene Andaman og Nicobar-øyene, Port Blair, Chandigarh, Dadar og Nagar Haveli, Silvassa, Daman og Diu, Daman, Delhi, LakshWadeep, Kavaratti, Pondicherry. Hvis du ønsker å åpne en forex trading konto n India eller ønsker å åpne en handelsvarekonto i India, for å handle gull, sølv, olje på MCX, NSE, etc, så har du kommet til rett sted. Vi gjør fx trading Indian commodities trading enkelt online. En kort om Indian Forex markedet og Hvordan åpne en demo fx account. Forex trading i India er en av de fremste måtene å tjene penger med dine investeringer. Forutsatt at du vet hvordan du gjør det med hell, og tilbringe kvalitetstimer som studerer triksene i handelen, er suksess garantert. Forex trading for mange mennesker er deres eneste levebrød Det er fordi forex trading gir mer enn tilstrekkelig avkastning på investeringer. Sannheten er at forex trading kan gjøre deg ekstremt rik, men du trenger fortsatt å handle det på eget skjønn. En av de viktigste årsakene til at er styrken til den indiske valutaen For det siste tiåret har den indiske rupee gått gjennom høyder og nedturer, men det har aldri sviktet. I tillegg til dette har den indiske eksporten økt. Nå er rupee søkt av mange land acro ss verden å kjøpe indiske produkter og dermed etterspørselen etter forex valuta Den indiske rupee er så selvoppholdende at den ikke bare er notert på Bombay børsen, men også på dubai børsen. hvordan å starte forex trading. NRIs er inn i Forex trading scene i India av tallene De har forstått det potensielle India har veldig tidlig For å begynne å handle i forex, bør du ha grundig innsikt, kunnskap og visdom av det indiske forex markedet Du kan få all denne informasjonen ved å lese bøker , eller bare ved å bli med på et nettkurs som lærer deg om indisk forex trading. Kurset, bortsett fra å gi deg grunnleggende og avansert informasjon om det indiske forexmarkedet, vil også gjøre deg kjent med forholdet mellom den indiske rupee og den amerikanske dollar. En annen alternativet er å nærme meg en megler Du kan ikke i utgangspunktet gjøre forex trading alene uten hjelp Det er litt vanskelig og også veldig risikabelt Når du nærmer deg meglere, gjør det bare med troverdig blakk r. Profitten du gjør i forex trading, avhenger av verdensøkonomien. Bruttonasjonalproduktet i India spiller en viktig rolle i fastsettelsen av valutahandel. BNP påvirker rupeeens pålydende, inflasjonen blant annet. Styrken til Rupee påvirker tilstrømningen av utenlandsk kapital En sterk innenlandsk økonomi skaper internasjonal interesse Internasjonale investorer vil investere i India og få fortjeneste Dette er en utmerket tid til å gjøre forex trading profits. How å åpne en forex trading konto i India. Opening en forex trading konto i India er enkelt Du kan gjøre det i enkle og enkle trinn Du velger en kontotype, registrerer deg selv og aktiverer kontoen En megler kan hjelpe deg i denne forbindelse. Det finnes to typer kontoer En personlig konto og en bedriftskonto, også kalt en bedriftskonto Visse meglere har en administrert konto i søknadsskjemaet Hvis du vil at megleren skal gjøre forex-handel på dine vegne, velger du dette alternativet Men du vil ikke gjøre dette, siden du er bedre i å lære seg selv her enn å stole på en megler. Å oppnå en administrert konto trenger mye penger Du må shell ut minst 25 000 dollar hvis du gjør en fortjeneste, har fondschefen rett til et kutt På grunn av dette holder mange mennesker seg unna administrerte kontoer. Former for registrering varierer f. eks. med megler til megler. Du sender skjemaet til banken. Aktiverer din demo-konto. Hvis papirarbeidet ditt arkivering er vellykket, du mottar en aktiverings-e-post Du må følge instruksjonene som angitt i e-posten. Hvis det lykkes, mottar du brukernavnet, passordet og annet sett med detaljer. Vær oppmerksom på at instruksjonene og modusen for operasjonen varierer fra banken men Konseptet bak å åpne en forex trading konto er ganske mye generisk. Valuta Futures Trading i India. Det har alltid vært en stor debatt om valutahandel er lovlig eller ulovlig i India. Det er veldig lovlig å handle FX i I ndia hvis du gjør det gjennom NSE i oktober, tok India av med valutaderivater eller Indian FX Trading med andre ord, etter tiår med å forlate investorer uten mulighet til å tjene penger på denne lukrative muligheten, har det indiske forexmarkedet blitt åpnet for handelsmenn investorer Det var markeder for ikke-leverbare forward trading offshore tidligere med RBI overvåking innenlandsk valutahandel i valuta. Men valuta futures ble forbudt til RBI bestemte seg for å leke med ideen etter at indian rupee futures begynte å handle på Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange DGCX Nå forex handlende er lett trading amerikanske dollar mot rupi online.70.000 kontrakter på den første dagen. Det førte til starten av den første valutaterminutahandel på Nasjonale børs NSE i India lansert av finansministeren på den tiden, snakket P Chidambaram han om å utvikle obligasjons - og derivatmarkedet med renteterminaler i og sikre kreditt derivatmarkedet som det ble lau Nched den 29. august 2008 var renten oppe med nesten 11 banker og 300 handelsmedlemmer registrerte og gjennomførte nesten 70 000 kontrakter på en enkelt dag med store svingninger i de indiske valutakursene. East India Securities gjennomførte den første handelen og blant bankene , Var HDFC den første til å drive virksomhet Av den totale virksomheten som ble gjort på den dagen, utgjorde transaksjoner fra bankene 40 av totalhandel Reserve Bank of India RBI, fornøyd med saken, fortsatte å tillate valutaterminutransaksjoner på de valgte børsene på tvers India Senere ble det opprettet en plan for å sette opp et futuresmarked for valuta ved hjelp av RBI og kapitalmarkedsovervåkingsorganisasjonen, Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI. Hvis du vil gjøre futures trading i valuta eller ønsker å gå inn i forex markedet i India for å handle ulike valutapar online, da kan vi gi deg alle fasiliteter ramped opp for å passe dine krav Det var NSE som først lov til å handle i fremtiden, selv om søknader ble sendt inn av Bombay børs BSE MCX eller Multi Commodity Exchange. Først og fremst ble trinnene for å åpne opp futures trading i valuta tatt for å gi bedrifter økt fleksibilitet og smitte mer likviditet inn i markedet. Du kan gjøre det individuelt , involvere din bedrift eller institusjon som også kan være en bank for å kjøpe eller selge den valutaen du ønsker, pitting mot hverandre på en forutbestemt dato og pris. Beregn Indias finansielle sektor. Åpningen av valutaterminutahandel i India var gjort hovedsakelig for å lette åpningen og berikingen av finanssektoren. Det skjedde andre steder som i Dubai, og alt var glatt, men fordelen var ikke pløyet tilbake til India. Med avreguleringen og RBI-overvåkingen ville India få et stykke av store volumer som handles i valutamarkedene Etter hvert som finansmarkeder i India blir rammet opp, ble flyttet hilst av operatørene og banker over hele India og i utlandet Men det er en flip side til det India mislyktes i å utnytte den kinesiske yuanens voksende overgang og har gjort derivathandel annet enn den amerikanske dollaren vanskelig. Det er en kortsynt bevegelse som den kinesiske yuanen går mer fremtredende i disse dager har Kina til og med foreslått for USA å gi Yuan sin rettmessige plass blant globale valutaer, da greenbacken mister sin glans. Yuan-handel markedsføres aggressivt av Kina, og det ville være en annen savnet mulighet som yuan-rupee eller dollaren - Yuan-transaksjoner er fortsatt ikke på Det er et scenario som er bedre sent enn aldri for valutaterminer handel i India, selv om opsjonshandel handler over 5 millioner er ikke tillatt. Da den indiske økonomien fortsetter å sveve, føler eksperter utbruddet og den raske globaliseringen som foregår ville muliggjøre valutamarkedet for futures trading i India for å sparke raskt. bare tilbyr sine tjenester og produkter der det er tillatt å gjøre det, derfor ikke alle våre verdipapirer, produkter eller tjenester kan være tilgjengelige for deg. Vennligst les denne juridiske merknaden Bruk av dette nettstedet utgjør din aksept, at du har gått gjennom ansvarsfraskrivelsen nevnt i it. Forex Trading CFDs er leveraged produkter. Handel i CFDs relatert til valuta, råvarer, finansielle indekser og andre underliggende variabler, har høy risiko og kan føre til tap av all investering. Som sådan kan CFDs ikke være egnet for alle investorer Du bør ikke investere penger som du ikke har råd til å miste Før du bestemmer deg for å handle, bør du bli oppmerksom på alle risikoene knyttet til CFD-handel, og søke råd fra en uavhengig og passende lisensiert finansiell rådgiver Under ingen omstendigheter skal vi har noe ansvar for enhver person eller enhet for et hvilket som helst tap eller skade som helt eller delvis skyldes, som følge av eller relatert til eventuelle transaksjoner relatert til CFD eller b Eventuelle direkte, indirekte, spesielle, følgeskader eller tilfeldige skader overhodet. Handler med lett forex llc eller ved å følge og / eller kopiere eller kopiere handler fra andre handlende involverer et høyt nivå av risiko, selv når du følger og / eller kopierer eller kopierer de mest effektive handelsmennene Slike risikoer inkluderer risikoen for at du kan følge kopieringen av handelsbeslutninger fra eventuelt uerfarne uprofesjonelle handelsmenn og den samlede risikoen som er forbundet med CFD Trading eller handelsmenn hvis ultimate formål eller intensjon eller økonomisk status kan avvike fra dine. ADVARSEL ADVARSEL gir referanser og lenker til utvalgte blogger og andre kilder til økonomisk og markedsinformasjon som en pedagogisk tjeneste til sine kunder og prospekter, og støtter ikke meninger eller anbefalinger fra bloggene eller andre kilder til informasjon Vennligst vær oppmerksom på at vi simpelthen markedsfører enkle forex llc sine partnere medarbeidere av nei betyr at vi selger eller soliciterer noen finansiell eller investeringsprodukttjeneste es av enkle forex llc til våre kunder i India Ovennevnte informasjon bør kun betraktes som en annonse og åpne handel via en konto åpnet med enkel forex llc gjennom dette nettstedet er helt brukerens ansvar. Også, vær oppmerksom på at ovennevnte forex konto åpning koblinger er kun til praktiserende formål og denne kontoen er åpnet med enkel forex llc Bruk av dette nettstedet utgjør din aksept på det faktum at handel forex i det internasjonale markedet eller et annet internasjonalt finansielt produkt på margin er ulovlig i henhold til den indiske regjeringen RBI regler og forskrifter Klienter og prospekter anbefales å nøye vurdere vurderingene og analysene som tilbys i bloggene eller andre informasjonskilder i sammenheng med klienten eller prospektet, individuell analyse og beslutningstaking. Ingen av bloggene eller andre informasjonskilder skal anses som en track record Tidligere resultater er ingen garanti for fremtidige resultater og anbefaler spesielt cl eiers og prospekter for å nøye gjennomgå alle krav og representasjoner fra rådgivere, bloggere, pengeforvaltere og systemleverandører før du investerer penger eller åpner en konto hos en Forex-forhandler. Alle nyheter, meninger, undersøkelser, data eller annen informasjon som finnes på dette nettstedet er gitt som generell markedskommentar og ikke utgjør investerings - eller handelsrådgivning, frasier seg ethvert ansvar for tapte rektor eller fortjeneste uten begrensning som kan oppstå direkte eller indirekte fra bruk av eller avhengighet av slik informasjon. Som med alle slike rådgivende tjenester er tidligere resultater aldri en garanti for fremtidige resultater. Når vi snakker om Forex Trading i India, begrenser RBI-forskriftene traderens opsjoner. I dag er valutaparene som er tilgjengelige for Forex trading over hele verden, merket mot INR i India. Derfor, for et flertall av handlende , som handler i internasjonale transaksjoner, er det en stor ulempe når den globale Forex trading domineres av USA D, som besitter mer enn 87 av netthandelspraksis, er Forex trading ikke mye lønnsomt for indiske investorer. RBI, kroppen som regulerer de økonomiske implikasjonene og inntektene til nasjonen, har en annen definisjon der Forex Trading i India gjøres hovedsakelig i Formen for handel med valutaderivater som kan konverteres til INR Ifølge RBI kan en person bosatt i India inngå valutaterminer eller valutaopsjoner på en børs som er anerkjent i henhold til verdipapirhandelloven, § 1956, for å sikre en risikoeksponering eller på annen måte, underlagt slike vilkår og betingelser som det fremgår av retningslinjene fra RBI fra tid til annen. Regler som gjelder for Forex trading i India. Siden 2008 har RBI og SEBI tillatelse av handel med valutaderivater. Valutaparene er tilgjengelige for handel er USD-INR, EUR-INR, JPY-INR og GBP-INR. Valutavalg kan kun benyttes av investorer for USD-INR pair. Fra nå er handel tillatt i BSE, så vel som NSE. Contracts vil bli ryddet kun i kontanter der valutaen vil være INR. Lotestørrelsen er fast for futures hvor det er 1000 enheter, bortsett fra JPY INR-paret som har en utvidet bulkstørrelse på 100000 units. Steps for å starte Forex Trading i valuta futures. Forex trading kan være ganske lønnsomt hvis du har de riktige attributter Her er en liste over trinn som kan følges før trading. Open en trading konto med en megler som tilbyr handel i valuta derivater Hvordan velge din aksjemegler. As regnskapene er i hovedsak online, og Forex trading er en onlinetjeneste, kan du få tilgang til kontoen din via innloggings-ID og et passord. Dette ligner som trading i egenkapital og futures. Research de operative retningslinjene for plattformen du bruker. sjekk på megleringsrenten, de utvekslingene banken holder sammen med, og produktene som tilbys. Det er et utmerket handelssystem for USD-INR-par. Den viktigste fordelen bak Forex Trading i India er m argin trading prinsipper Derfor kan man lett bytte for et større overskudd på et mindre innskudd Marginen som kreves for å handle 1 masse 1000 Mengder av USD-INR-par i NSE er rundt 1500.INR som kun utgjør 2 5 av den faktiske investeringen. Valutamarkedet er ganske volatilt og dermed effektiv analyse må gjøres før du tar en investeringsbeslutning Flere anerkjente firmaer og institusjoner gir god innsikt til brukerne gjennom ulike kanaler. Derfor kan man observere dem mens de gjør fruktbare investeringer og tjener større avkastning på investeringen. made.1 6k Visninger Vis oppvoter Ikke for Reproduksjon. Valutamarkedet er et globalt desentralisert marked for handel med valutaer Dette inkluderer alle aspekter ved kjøp, salg og utveksling av valutaer på nåværende eller fastsatte priser. På grunn av suverenitetsproblemet når det gjelder to valutaer, forex har liten tilsynsenhet som regulerer sine handlinger. Valutamarkedet bistår internasjonal handel og inve Stents ved å aktivere valutaomregning For eksempel tillater det en virksomhet i USA å importere varer fra EU-medlemsland, spesielt Eurozone-medlemmer, og betale euro, selv om inntektene er i amerikanske dollar. Det støtter også direkte spekulasjon og evalueringsrelatert til verdien av valutaer og bærehandel, spekulasjon basert på rentedifferansen mellom to valutaer. Rangering i Forex-INDIA. Forex betyr valutaparhandel Innen indisk inneslutning kan vi handle alt som er benchmarkert mot INR Som nevnt av mange andre svarer sin usd inn, gbp inr, eur inr etc. Trading i Forex-MAJOR valutapar. Et bredt handlet valutapar er forholdet mellom euroen og amerikanske dollar, betegnet som EUR USD. Sitatet EUR USD 1 2500 betyr at en euro er utvekslet for 1 2500 amerikanske dollar her er EUR basisverdien og USD er kontantervalutaen. men det er ikke mulig for en indian å handle i parene. reserve banken i india er kort av dollar denominators Det betyr at i tilfelle du handler eur usd med ut av india spillere og hvis du mister du ville kjøpe usd fra RBI og sende den bort Dette fører til økning i finanspolitisk underskudd mangel på utenlandsk valuta reserve. Hvis alle i India handler forex med ut av indiaspillere, antar den beryktede karakteren av handel der 90 av handelsmenn til slutt går løs, står RBI for å miste mye dollar For å kompensere utløpet vil vår regjering bli tvunget til å kjøpe flere amerikanske dollar ved å selge INR til billigere priser fører dermed til devaluering av vår INR. Self-Interesse i India. India kjøper allerede rå og gull fra utlandet ved å betale i dollar. Når regjeringen trenger å importere, må den selge inr og kjøpe amerikanske dollar. Så blir dollar sterkere og vår inr mister sin kjøpekraft på grunn av manglende etterspørsel og overforbud. Forex trading med ut av India spillere, hvis gjort lovlig vil bli den tredje demonen til å plage av allerede svak valuta Det er derfor RBI tillater Forex trading i INR-baserte par som i sin tur bare handles innen indiske borgere Dette sikrer at ingen INR forlater landet. En kan handle med inntekter og euror på en slik måte at det blir negert og vi til slutt vil ende opp med å handle usd vs eur. Dette øker transaksjonskostnaden Da er det likevel mangel på likviditet. Men hvis du er helvete bundet til å gjøre dette, er du alltid velkommen til å komme deg rundt denne barrieren og gjøre dine spill. Men hvis du sender penger til India, kan Forex meglere ikke handle derivater, det er ulovlig og ansvarlig for fengsel, fine etc.1k Visninger Vis oppvoter Ikke for reproduksjon Svar forespurt av Zulfiquar Ali. Reserve Bank of India har gjort det klart at overføring i enhver form som er mot utenlandsk valutahandel gjennom elektroniske handelsportaler er ikke tillatt i henhold til Foreign Exchange Management Act FEMA, 1999 RBI har også gjort det klart at de eksisterende forskriftene under FEMA, 1999 ikke tillater innbyggere i India å handle i utenlandsk valuta innenlands Nå har NSE kommet frem med Forex trading i India i kryssvaluta par. Så nå vil det være legitimt å handle i Forex globale par. Få mer info om det her - NSE introduserer Forex Trading i Cross Valuta Par. 1 5k Visninger Ikke for Reproduksjon. Piyush P Yadav Valutaderivater watch. Yes dette er lovlig som så Spor og handel i valutamarkedet på NSE og BSE valutaderivat segmentet Open Online Valutahandel konto med få ledende valuta trading selskap i India gir online plattform til handel med valutaderivater Dette inkluderer alle aspekter ved kjøp, salg og utveksling av valutaer på nåværende eller fastsatte priser. Og Forex trading er også verdifull og effektiv etter valutaderivatene. Visninger ikke for reproduksjon. Yash Saradva Binær Options Expert med 5 års erfaring. Ja, det er helt lovlig i India, og jeg gjør binær opsjonshandel med IQ-alternativ og med de siste 2 årene og jeg har ikke møtt noen form for problemer. Hvis du vet ikke hva som er binær opsjonshandel det er en slags Forex Trading Så kan du lese denne artikkelen Hvordan tjene penger med binære alternativer Steg-for-trinns guide og jeg lager gode penger med IQ-alternativ Jeg vil dele min virkelige konto skjermbilde med deg se nedenfor Hvis du fortsatt har noen form for tvil, kan du kontakte meg på. OppsummeringVis dette svaret hvis du finner dette svaret nyttig, slik at andre kan vite om det.236 Visninger Vis oppstod Ikke for reproduksjon. Du er utvilsomt forex trading er lovlig tillatt i India I forex trading kan gjøres mellom noen antall par valutaer Det helt avhenger av risikobærende evne til en investor Handlere med god kapital og risikobærende evner er mest sannsynlig å utføre bedre i dette markedet. Men hvis en handelsmann kan ikke bære stor risiko og også han har ikke god kapital, så han burde nit prøve å handle her Forex er bare ikke det rette stedet for ham Han kan prøve andre markeder som vare hvor risikoen er mindre og også mindre ca Pital er nødvendig for å begynne å handle med. Forex-handelsfolk har absolutt fortjent å tjene rik avkastning når de har god handel her. God erfaring og analytiske ferdigheter er det primære kravet for å lykkes i dette markedet. For å hjelpe næringsdrivende med gode markedsrapporter tilbyr Epic Research daglige rapporter om forex market.178 Visninger Ikke for Reproduction. Can jeg handler forex i India. Er Arbitage trading lovlig i India. Kan en NRI gjøre forex trading Kan han bringe profitt lovlig til India. Hva er straffen for å gjøre Forex trading i India. How Jeg tjener penger fra forex trading Er det riktig å handle med meglere utenfor India. Is internet forex trading legal. Will jeg trenger noen juridiske dokumenter eller skattedokumenter for Forex trading eller pengene tjent fra Forex Hvis ja, så hva skal være prosedyren. Forex Trading Help. Is det verdt trading forex i India. Er det lovlig hvis jeg handler forex som en NRI Og send penger til mine foreldre. Hva er best Forex trading plattform i India som er lovlig som per SEBI. Is binar y trading lovlig i ja hvilke nettsteder kan vi trade. Is det lovlig å handle i Forex opsjoner og futures i India. Is trading forex i India gjennom UFX banned Hvis ja, hvorfor. Er det noen lovlig måte å handle forex fra India. Are amerikanere lov til å handle forex lovlig. Hvem er den beste økonomiske rådgiver i India. Hvilke par kan jeg handle i India, i forex markedet. Hvordan kan jeg handle forex trygt fra India. Er valutahandel i India tillatt eller ikke hvis de indiske bankene tillater forex transacations. What er straffen for forex trading i India. Hva er straffen for forex trading i India. As per RBI, er forex trading ulovlig. Reserve Bank of India har i dag avklart at overføring i noen form mot utenlandske utenlandske utveksling av handel via elektronisk internetthandel portaler er ikke tillatt i henhold til Foreign Exchange Management Act FEMA, 1999 Reserve Bank har også avklart at eksisterende forskrifter under FEMA, 1999 ikke tillater beboere å handle i utenlandsk valuta i do mestic oversjøiske markeder. Jeg hadde bare en prat med representative.18 25framebuffer er forex trading tillatt i India 18 25framebuffer Ifølge RBI er det ikke lov til å handle utenlandsk valuta 18 25framebuffer er dette sant 18 25Anna Garibjan RBI tillater ikke indiske innbyggere å handle i valuta par unntatt INR Vennligst se på RBIs offisielle nettside for førstehånds informasjon, for selv om Forex4you gjør det best å følge gjeldende lovgivning i forskjellige land, er det noen ganger praktisk talt umulig å oppdatere informasjonen i tide. Du kan søke videre klargjøring på dette fra din økonomiske rådgiver eller Chartered Accountant 18 27framebuffer Det er veldig forvirrende jeg har vært på RBI-nettsiden, men de har klart nevnt at det ikke er tillatt 18 27framebuffer spx stolt 23941 18 27framebuffer Men så hvordan kommer folk til å gjøre det? Som alpari, tillit penger og deg selv 18 27framebuffer Kan indiske paiers bli handlet 18 28Anna Garibjan du kan ikke handle kun INR, det er h ave å være 2 valutaer involvert 18 29framebuffer Jeg vet at jeg skrev indisk par for å koble med USD etc 18 29framebuffer Det er veldig forvirrende 18 29framebuffer Jeg vil ikke ende opp i fengsel 18 29framebuffer hvor kan vi få noen definative svar som everone, inkludert CAs etc vet ikke 18 30Anna Garibjan Vi kan ikke gi deg juridisk rådgivning på dette Det er våre kunders ansvar å ta avgjørelsen om å handle eller ikke 18 31framebuffer Jeg forstår det, men siden du kjører operasjonene, må du ha noe alt jeg vil ha for å være sikker på at det er tillatt 18 32Anna Garibjan i henhold til RBI så langt vi er informert, er det ikke tillatt 18 32framebuffer Så hvordan kommer Reliance penger, Alpari og du gjør det 18 32framebuffer bare nysgjerrig 18 33framebuffer hva hvis du blir fanget 18 33framebuffer hva er panelty 18 33framebuffer kanskje jeg vil ta en risiko 18 33framebuffer hvis panelty er lav 18 34Anna Garibjan straffen, hvis noen, vil ikke være mot selskapet, men mot kunden w Ho tok den risikoen 18 34framebuffer ok 18 34framebuffer Jeg forstår 18 34framebuffer, men det vil være informativt å vite det, så vi kan ta risikoen 18 35framebuffer hvis det er som en ikke-bailable lovbrudd med 25 års fengsel, så er det ikke verdt det 18 35framebuffer hvis det er en liten fin som 50k, så kan man ta sjansen 18 35framebuffer Har noen blitt tatt 18 35framebuffer slik at vi kan vite hva som skjedde med ham 18 35Anna Garibjan Vi vet ikke hva slags straff du kan risikere 18 36framebuffer Takk Anna , har du vært hjelpsom Takk for ærlige svar Jeg vil prøve å lære mer om straffen 18 37Anna Garibjan Du er velkommen Er det noe annet jeg kan hjelpe deg med 18 37framebuffer Nei, det takker. Så hva skal vi gjøre Hva er risikoen i fremtiden for å bli fanget og er det verdt å ta risikoen. Hva er straffen for forex trading i India. LOL, DON T GJØR EN DAMN PÅ AT MILJONER MENNESKER TRADER FRA INDIA, SEG SAVANT GRANDE SIR FOR KLARIFIKASJON OG DER ER HELT DUBBELT HVIS NÅGON GJELDER INGEN FEIL, MED HENSYN TIL HANS TRANSASJONER ER MILLIONER EN MÅNED BANKEN MÅ TA FOR KLARIFIKASJON AT HVOR GJEN PENGENE KOM FRA, DON T TYKER DET ER EN PROBLEM SOM HANDELER MED MY ICICI KREDITKORT, OG VI FÅR EN Månedlig erklæring om at jeg har CREDITED X BELØP Å RETAIL-FX jeg tror banker er ikke så mye oppmerksom på regelen, men hvis store svært store tilbakeslag hver eneste måned som en krone eller er gjort banker vil spørre deg om hvorfra pengene har kommet da jeg tror du må gjøre opp historien P ELLER DU KAN GÅ, ER Å GÅ TIL OFFSHORE OG FOND FOR FOREX BTW Jeg tror ikke at noen kommer til å oppleve noe som helst, hva er det som gjør den kongelige banken i Skottland eller noe annet mindre populært av utenlandsk bank IBM AMRO OG BTW DER ER MANGE LØSNINGER SOM PERSONBOKER, NETELLER MEN DER HAR LITT VIKTIG FINANSIERING TIL DEM ANDELT SOM FOR MULIGHETEN HVIS GJORT INGEN, SKAL HELDE SOM JEG DER DIN PUNKSIMENT VED MAX KAN VÆRE STRAFF, DER GJØR FX HANDEL HVOR ER JURIDISK ALDRI VERDEN DER ER IKKE MURDERING ELLER SMUGGLING OK Disse reglene er underforstått fordi mange mennesker fra vårt land har mistet mye penger, så hvis du gjør fortjeneste, er det ingen skade, og du bringer penger til landet, og du betaler bare skatter spør savant grande herre, han kan forklare deg mer pent og fortelle deg hvilken måte å gjøre det hvis tung tilbaketrekning er der. Sist redigert av Piratetrader 7. august 2011 kl 12 56. Originally posted by saiftauheed. LOL, DON T GIVE A DAMN ON THAT, MILLIONS OF MENNESKER ER TRADING FRA INDIA, SPESIELT GRANDE SIR FOR KLARIFIKASJON OG DER ER STORT DUBBELT HVIS NÅGON GJELDER INGEN FEIL, UNDERSÅN TRANSPASJONENE ER SOM MILLIONER EN MÅNED BANKEN MÅ TA FOR KLARIFIKASJON OM at HVORDAN GJORT PENGENE KOMMER FRA, DON T SEG AT DET ER EN PROBLEM I HANDEL MED MY ICICI KREDITKORT OG FÅ EN MÅNEDSERKLÆRING AT jeg HAR KREDITT X BELØP TIL Å RETAIL-FX Jeg tror at banker ikke er så store med hensyn til reglene, men hvis store store store tilbakeslag hver eneste måned som en krone eller er gjort BANKS W ILL SPØRRE DER HVOR FRA HVORDAN HAR PENGENE ANVENDT, så tror jeg at du må gjøre opp historien P ELLER DU KAN GÅ, ER Å GÅ TIL OFFSHORE OG FOND FOR FOREX BTW. Jeg tror ikke at noen vil få noe som helst. HVA TRYKKER KONSERNBANKEN Skottland eller noen andre svært mindre populær av utenlandsk bank IBM AMRO OG BTW DER ER MANGE LOOPHOLES LIKE PENGEBOKER, NETELLER MEN DU HAR LITT VIKTIG FINANSIERING TIL DEM ANDEN SOM FOR MULIGHETEN HVIS GJORT INGEN KOMMER TILGJENGELIG, SOM JEG DIN STED TIL MEST KAN VÆRE PENALTY DU GJØR FX HANDEL HVOR ER JURIDISK, RUNDT OM VERDEN DER IKKE MØDER ELLER SMUGGLERER OK. Disse reglene er underforstått fordi mange mennesker fra vårt land har mistet mye penger, så hvis du gjør fortjeneste, er det ingen skade og du bringer penger I LANDET OGSÅ SKAL DU GJELDE SKATTER, Spør Savant Grande Herre, han kan forklare deg mer pent og fortelle deg hvilken måte å gjøre hvis det er tungt å trekke seg der. Har du hørt om de fire magiske bokstaver, FEMA. Et annet spørsmål, hva gjør du W det som i inntektsskatten Kan jeg si sine futures eller aksjer etc. Også er retailfx en god megler. Anbefaler du dem. Du anbefaler noen indisk megler. FØRST AV ALLE GLEM OM PUNGEMENT. Reserve Bank of India har i dag avklart at Overføring i form til utenlandsk valutahandel gjennom elektroniske internettportaler er ikke tillatt i henhold til Foreign Exchange Management Act FEMA, 1999 Reservebanken har også avklart at de eksisterende forskriftene under FEMA, 1999 ikke tillater beboere å handle i utenlandsk valuta i innenlandske oversjøiske markeder. Les dette nøye nå rbi har tydelig skrevet at du ikke kan hente penger for forex handel i utlandet eller endre INR til USD og handle med det penger med utlandet eller utenlandske meglere jeg leste et sted i traderji og jeg sier det igjen best måte ville være at hvis du har en venn som bor offshore, fortell ham å sette inn for deg på denne måten, konverterte du aldri INR til USD og handlet med pengene ovenfor i brevet Det er også skrevet. Reserve Bank har også avklart at de eksisterende forskriftene under FEMA, 1999 ikke tillater beboere å handle i utenlandsk valuta på innenlandske oversjøiske markeder. Fra denne meldingen husk at rbi ikke vil at du skal sette mor India penger , pengene du har tjent i bharat til offshore megler, hvorfor fordi disse pengene går offshore for fx trading, vet Rbi 95 at den ikke kommer tilbake, hvorfor les den igjen - RBI advarte investorer mot annonser utstedt av visse elektroniske og internettportaler som tilbyr handel eller investere i utenlandsk valuta med garantert høye selskaper selv engasjere agenter som personlig kontakt gullible folk til å foreta forex trading og investeringsordninger og lokke dem med løfter om uforholdsmessig eller ublu avkastning, sa det Det er på grunn av noen tuller som ønsket å få millionær over natten finansiert og Gambled stor mengde penger i disse off-shore megler og senere gråt gikk inn på politistasjonen for svindel. hva jeg foreslår å omgå denne dumme handlingen er å komme inn i valutaterminer og opsjonshandel også Hva du kan gjøre er å åpne en konto med en megler som lar deg gjøre opsjonsfutures sammen med fx hvis du vil, kan ECN meglere som tilbyr cdf, futures som så vel som stock. You kan finansiere fra og trekke til en shore acct i India i et slikt tilfelle da vil det bli kalt som investeringsavkastning fra futures eller aksjer eller cdf noe nå hva kan rbi gjøre om dette de kan gjøre shi haha . Og hvis du har en venn utenfor kysten så hva er problemet hvis han kan finansiere det, har du aldri overført noe, og du handler ikke med INR konvertert til DU ER HANDEL MED RISIKO GRATIS INR, For det andre for å unngå maksimal bryderi, velg en utenlandsk Bank som Royal Bank of Scotland Bankene vil spørre deg hvor du får så mye penger kompis, tro meg selv hvis du sier at du har penger fra fx trading uten penger konvertert fra INR til USD, ingenting vil skje, de fleste bankene betaler ikke oppmerksomhet og er uvitende om du kan smile og si investeringer fra internasjonal fremtid, cdf og lager kompis Jeg har aldri hørt om noen komme inn i noen form for trøbbel, og hvis millioner av penger kommer inn på bankkontoen, kan de be om en form for dokumentasjon jeg er bred i ECN megler kan gi deg noen fakturaer SLUT AV FORHANDLINGEN - FOREX TRADING ER IKKE JURIDISK I INDIA Hvis du gjør ulovlig konvertering til USD og handler med disse pengene, MEN HVIS DU ALDRI ERBJUDET FRA INDIA OG OM DIN HANDEL I ECN BROKER SOM TILBYDER TILFØLGER, OPPSJONER , HVA SKAL RBI GJØRE VÅRE BA s. Sist redigert av Piratetrader 7. august 2011 kl 01 22.Re Hva er straffen for forex trading i India. Jeg har en venn i utlandet i Tyskland Problemet er at de har 40 eller noe flatt tax and they are very well organized. If he invests on my behalf, and I make money, then that money will be a capital gain and he has to pay tax on it Then he will transfer it in my account where I will have to pay another tax Double taxing. Same if I have to invest more and put money in his account It can only go as a loan or a gift Gift will be taxed Now triple taxing. If the money goes as a loan, then the capital gain from trading will be taxed twice. Am I missing anything. Another problem is, if you use an Indian broker, like reliance money, alpari, forex4u or xtb etc, then they can do whatever they want They are like the pimps And you are a prostitute Since prostitution is illegal, you cannot go and complaint against the pimp Similarly, if they treat you like trash and play against you or cheat you otherwise, what are you going to tell the police They are not returning my forex money. I think the forex industry should lobby and get it legalized India is a poor country with no social security and we need all avenues possible for more job generation If people want to trade they should be allowed to. What is a forex broker to do A 9-5 job. Originally Posted by framebuffer. I have a friend abroad in Germany The problem is, they have 40 or something fla t tax and they are very well organized. If he invests on my behalf, and I make money, then that money will be a capital gain and he has to pay tax on it Then he will transfer it in my account where I will have to pay another tax Double taxing. Same if I have to invest more and put money in his account It can only go as a loan or a gift Gift will be taxed Now triple taxing. If the money goes as a loan, then the capital gain from trading will be taxed twice. Am I missing anything. Another problem is, if you use an Indian broker, like reliance money, alpari, forex4u or xtb etc, then they can do whatever they want They are like the pimps And you are a prostitute Since prostitution is illegal, you cannot go and complaint against the pimp Similarly, if they treat you like trash and play against you or cheat you otherwise, what are you going to tell the police They are not returning my forex money. I think the forex industry should lobby and get it legalized India is a poor country with no social s ecurity and we need all avenues possible for more job generation If people want to trade they should be allowed to. What is a forex broker to do A 9-5 job. I DON T UNDERSTAND TELL YOUR FRIEND TO FUND MONEY IN YOUR FOREX ACCOUNT WITH CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD MAKE PROFIT IN YOUR ACCOUNT AND THEN PAY HIM BACK BY WITHDRAWING FROM YOUR FOREX ACCOUNT TO HIS CREDIT DEBIT CARD NOW WHEN YOU HAVE PAID HIM THE SUM YOU DEPOSITED YOU CAN JUST USE ANY ALTERNATE WAY OF WITHDRAWING OK LISTEN TO ME JUST FUND WITH AN ECN BROKER with your own money you could open an account with the Ireland-based AVA-FX which also includes Oil, Stock Indices DJ, S P500, FTSE, DAX, CAC, MIB, NIKKEI and others , Gold, Silver, Sugar, Cotton, Gas and all the other major commodities along with its comprehensive Forex platform, TRADE EVERYTHING THERE by this way you are indirectly trading forex in a multi-investment stock and share company Now just tell me does it sounds good JUST A SILLY EXAMPLE - agar hindustan mai gai ka dood pina ek jurm hota aur agar tum bhains ke andar se gai ka dood nikaal ke pe rahe ho toh police kya samjhegi vasehi agar tum ek broker mai jo stocks and share bhi trade karti hai usme fx karte ho toh police kya samjhegi. Last edited by Piratetrader 7th August 2011 at 02 36 PM. Have you heard of the four magic letters, FEMA. Dear sumosan the 4 magical word fema foreign exchange management act Here are the rules for outward remmitance. What are the prohibited items under the Scheme. Ans The remittance facility under the Scheme is not available for the following. i Remittance for any purpose specifically prohibited under Schedule-I like purchase of lottery tickets sweep stakes, proscribed magazines, etc or any item restricted under Schedule II of Foreign Exchange Management Current Account Transactions Rules, 2000.ii Remittance from India for margins or margin calls to overseas exchanges overseas counterparty. iii Remittances for purchase of FCCBs issued by Indian companies in the overseas secondary m arket. iv Remittance for trading in foreign exchange abroad. PLEASE READ MY EARLIER POST IN THIS THREAT AND THEN START READING BELOW FOCUS - REMITTANCE, other words - depositing, collecting I NEVER REMITTED SO I AM NOT LIABLE TO PROCEED WITH ANY STUPID ACT OF YOUR RBI. another one - The advertisements by these Internet or online portals exhort people to trade in forex by way of paying the initial investment amount in Indian rupees, the RBI said. so as i told read my post below what can be done if your friend who lives in abroad ca do the favour for you, remember the act is only for OUTWARD REMITTANCE converting your own money and funding outside. The Reserve Bank of India cautions the public not to remit or deposit money for such unauthorised transactions Any resident Indian collecting or remitting such payments outside India DIRECTLY INDIRECTLY is liable to be proceeded against with, for contravention of FEMA and violation of regulations relating to Know Your Customer KYC norms and Anti Mo ney Laundering AML standards, the circular addeD. INDIRECTLY MEANS FUNDING THROUGH THIRD PARTY, PAYPAL, NETELLER, MONEYBOOKER, ANYOTHER. FOCUS - HOW THE HELL WILL THEY EVER KNOW WHAT I DID WITH THE MONEY IN 3RD PARTY ACCOUNT EVEN IF THEY ASK ME I CAN SAY INVESTMENT IN FUTURE OR ANYTHING.- The advertisements by these Internet or online portals exhort people to trade in forex by way of paying the initial investment amount in Indian rupees. FOCUS - I NEVER REMITTED ANY MONEY OUTSIDE INDIA, I NEVER CONVERTED INR TO USD. LAST DOUBT THAT THEY CLARIFIED. The Reserve Bank has also clarified that the existing regulations under FEMA, 1999 do not permit residents to trade in foreign exchange in domestic overseas advertisements by these Internet or online portals exhort people to trade in forex by way of paying the initial investment amount in Indian rupees. Residents are, however, permitted to trade in currency futures and options contracts, traded on the stock exchanges recognised by the Securities and E xchange Board of India SEBI in India, subject to the conditions specified by the Reserve Bank from time to time. FOCUS - Today most of the broker will allow you to trade in stocks, CDF, options, future, metals and yes the forex YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO. Originally Posted by framebuffer. i have a friend abroad in germany The problem is, they have 40 or something flat tax and they are very well organized. If he invests on my behalf, and i make money, then that money will be a capital gain and he has to pay tax on it Then he will transfer it in my account where i will have to pay another tax Double taxing. Same if i have to invest more and put money in his account It can only go as a loan or a gift Gift will be taxed now triple taxing. if the money goes as a loan, then the capital gain from trading will be taxed twice. Am i missing anything. Another problem is, if you use an indian broker, like reliance money, alpari, forex4u or xtb etc, then they can do whatever they want They are like the pim ps And you are a prostitute Since prostitution is illegal, you cannot go and complaint against the pimp Similarly, if they treat you like trash and play against you or cheat you otherwise, what are you going to tell the police They are not returning my forex money. I think the forex industry should lobby and get it legalized India is a poor country with no social security and we need all avenues possible for more job generation If people want to trade they should be allowed to. What is a forex broker to do A 9-5 job. Originally Posted by framebuffer. I have a friend abroad in Germany The problem is, they have 40 or something flat tax and they are very well organized. If he invests on my behalf, and I make money, then that money will be a capital gain and he has to pay tax on it Then he will transfer it in my account where I will have to pay another tax Double taxing. Same if I have to invest more and put money in his account It can only go as a loan or a gift Gift will be taxed Now triple ta xing. If the money goes as a loan, then the capital gain from trading will be taxed twice. Am I missing anything. Another problem is, if you use an Indian broker, like reliance money, alpari, forex4u or xtb etc, then they can do whatever they want They are like the pimps And you are a prostitute Since prostitution is illegal, you cannot go and complaint against the pimp Similarly, if they treat you like trash and play against you or cheat you otherwise, what are you going to tell the police They are not returning my forex money. I think the forex industry should lobby and get it legalized India is a poor country with no social security and we need all avenues possible for more job generation If people want to trade they should be allowed to. What is a forex broker to do A 9-5 job. ABOUT THE PIMP AND PROSTUTE IS ILLEGAL but wait the example you gave has really no connection to forex example as i said - t is because of some fools who wanted to get millionaire overnight funded and gambled large amount of money in these off-shore broker and later crying went into the police station for fraud BECAUSE THEY LOST RBI CREATED THIS RULE IN OTHER WORDS PEOPLE ARE NOT AWARE OF THIS RULE THOSE WHO ARE AWARE ARE VERY SMART THEY WILL NEVER GET INTO ANY TROUBLE. What is Forex Trading in India Legal or not. Few days back I received a message from a company representative on Facebook, forcing me to offer the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY called FOREX TRADING to my client She claimed returns ranges from 8 to 95 within a month So let us look at this offer whether this is the legal or not. Forex trading in India is illegal where there is no involvement of Indian Rupee You can trade with involvement of Indian Rupees like USDINR, EURINR, GBPINR or JPYINR. The reason for sharing this information with you all is, in future you may be under such trap So thought to share this information and making you aware about what actually are Indian regulations about this Forex Trading Below is the interesti ng discussion Name of executive and Company she represents changedpany Executive - Hello sir, I am Shilpa here Working for a Multi National Company named ABC Consultant I got to know that you are the financial planner, so I wanted to discuss with you business proposal regarding international Commodity and currency trading. The profits you earn is in Dollars and the returns ranges from 8 to 95 within a month This is the only industry where you can earn huge profits in short terms. I will be looking forward for your reply sir. Basavaraj - oh sure let us start nowpany Executive - Can you please send me your contact number so that I can call you up and explain the overall picture of ABC. Basavaraj - Let us discuss first the regulatory issue Under which regulation this trading will be performedpany Executive - we are group company of the ABC International Consortium HIC , ABC is a registered member of the Indonesia Regulatory Agency. Further ABC is also registered with BAPPEBTI Member of The Indonesi an Derivatives Clearing House Member of Jakarta Futures Exchange Member of the Commodity Trading Board With sanctions obtained for Overseas Transactions, HIF we can now offer our clients a broader spectrum of trading and investment opportunities. Basavaraj - I am asking you, to operate in India under which regulation you are registered Who regulates the trade generated in India Forget about the Indonesia or other countries, I am living in India and let us discuss who bonds these transactionspany Executive - Sir we have our headquarters in Jakarta, so we are directly regulated by the exchange. Resident Indians can trade in currency through various Indian financial institutions today However, currently the resident Indians cannot trade in currency pairs not involving the Indian Rupee, like the USD GBP with any scheduled bank or such other agency falling under the regulatory purview of the Reserve Bank of India Therefore to trade in such currency pairs, one will have to transact Foreign Excha nge trades outside India. Basavaraj - Jakarta is ok but money is going to be invested from India and you are claiming that you have an office in India So ultimately you will come under regulatory So who regulate you people Or in future my transactionspany Executive - RBI, through the provisions under A P Dir Series Circular No 64 dated Feb 4,2004, Circular No 24 dated Dec 20,2006, Circular No 51 dated May 8,2007, Circular No 9 dated Sept 26,2007 and Circular No 05 2009-10 dated July 1, 2009 granted permission to Resident Individuals to freely remit up to USD 200,000 per calendar year for acquiring and hold immovable property, to invest in stocks, shares, exchange traded funds, debt instruments, stock options and index options outside India without prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India Individuals can also open, maintain and hold foreign currency accounts with a bank outside India for making remittances under the Scheme without prior approval of the Reserve Bank. Basavaraj - so you are claiming to be no one will regulate and according to the law of land this is not legal rightpany Executive - It is legal, we are doing CFD i e contract for difference In India forex is Not legal but not CFD We bid and ask only for the price difference. Basavaraj - From the above reply of Resident Individuals to freely remit up to USD 200,000 per calendar year for acquiring and hold immovable property, to invest in stocks, shares, exchange traded funds, debt instruments, stock options and index options outside India without prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India foreign currency exchange is missing Can you please elaborate on this So you re agreeing that forex trading in India is not legal rightpany Executive - yeah We are into CFD s Not forex trading. Basavaraj - again is this CFD legal Under whose regulation you do this trading Hope this link will be an eye opener for you personallypany Executive - no it is legal We are trading under the instructions of BAPPEBTI ITS LIKE SEBI in India And we have our regulated by the Jakarta Futures Exchange. Basavaraj - I need Indian regulator not Jakarta or any other unregulated country source If any issue with your company, default from opposite party or some other technical issue then you mean to say that I need to approach Jakarta Future Exchange or BAPPEBTI. Simply to say you knocked the wrong door sorrypany Executive - Sir in India whatever traded you take, when you punch the order it goes to Bombay stock exchange and you need not to go to Bombay to trade So same here we are directly member of Jakarta. Basavaraj - Agree I am asking if I need to sue your company or default to my trade then whom I need to approach Jakarta regulatorpany Executive - As of now such things have not happened We are registered in India, we have physical offices in Bangalore, whatever queries you have can consult here only. Basavaraj - You might have registered as a company but are you registered as a broker with SEBI Also what guarantee you provide that nothi ng will happen in future if not happened in the pastpany Executive - We are nothing to do with the Indian market, we are in International market, so we need not to report to SEBI In fact RBI and SEBI have to report to BAPPEBTI So we are directly member of that Tomorrow even if the Harvest is not there BAPPEBTI will give you 2 options like to continue the trading with other broker or you can withdraw the whole amount. Basavaraj - Oh is it I don t know this that RBI and SEBI will come under BAPPEBTI Can you provide the proof of this claimpany Executive - You will get two copies of documentation from Jakarta so everything will be in the documentation. Basavaraj - I am not asking the documentation Please first clear my doubt about the regulator You said RBI and SEBI will come under BAPPEBTI so provide me proof then I will be your first customerpany Executive - RBI and SEBI related to India, but BAPPEBTI is Asian regulatory body RBI has given permission that Resident Individuals to freely remit up to USD 200,000 per now it is revised to75 000 calendar year for acquiring and hold immovable property, to invest in stocks, shares, exchange traded funds, debt instruments, stock options and index options outside India Anything above that we have to ask the permission from RBI. Basavaraj - But in above lines where they included forex trading Is BAPPEBTI is regulating the whole Asia Are so can you provide the proof. FINALLY NO ANSWER FROM OPPOSITE SIDE. Below are a few links which make sure that the forex trading in India not involving Indian Rupee is illegal. A complete list of FAQs Forex Facilities for Residents Individuals by RBI last updated on September 30th 2013.Hope above links will be providing us a clear indication that such trading using online platform is illegal But I have doubt about the above-said company, from whose representative I got a call is from Bangalore and how they are so openly offering without fear of regulations Get up regulators Don t act lately like what you did with Sahara Harshad Mehta, Stock Guru India or Saradha Chit Fund. Basavaraj Tonagatti. I am a Certified Financial Planner by qualification and currently living in Bangalore I am using this platform to spread knowledge about Personal Financial Planning Hope you too join me in spreading this awareness. Prashant Sharma says. September 4, 2016 at 12 53 PM. hello sir, few days ago a person came to me and give me a proposal to account holing or FD Fixed Deposit condition was - If i provide 1Cr INR account to him by holding he will give me 3Cr INR in advance through RTGS. he will use holding account money in Forex trading I dont know is this a genuine process or not Could you please give some light in it Thank you. September 7, 2016 at 10 48 AM. Prashant-It is fake claims Never ever rely on such claims If he still insist you for investment, you can complain against him. September 7, 2016 at 10 53 AM. Thank you , I m intrested to know about Forex trading if u have me any suggestion or advice so please, It would help me to learn Forex trading Thank you Prashant Sharma. August 29, 2016 at 5 49 PM. February 16, 2016 at 1 31 PM. This is regarding Forex trading in INDIA by a company name SIX Capital Singapore Based SIX Capital is providing training of Forex trading and after training they will select for trading as a trader here 200 students are attending their training and company is going to open their office in Mumbai very soon for Forex trading But as you have already discussed earlier that Forex trading in INDIA NOT INCLUDING INR IS ILLEGAL and this is absolutely right as per RBI regulation My question to you is that should I quit this training or question them regarding this issue or is it possible that they can do it by outsourcing. Pls, suggest me about this, waiting for your response. February 16, 2016 at 7 02 PM. Sumit-Please question the issues of what I said above Let them show the SEBI registration Otherwise, you inform them that you first write a letter to SEBI about their compan y If SEBI have no issues, then you will go ahead I think they run away. Aditya Jagtap says. February 6, 2016 at 4 50 PM. Hi I am presently staying 7 months overseas and 5 months in India for any financial year I have an NRI account and receive remittances for my salary from overseas Want to start FOREX trading The income I receive is non taxable and plan to invest in FOREX Can I start forex trading without any legal hassles. February 6, 2016 at 6 28 PM. kalpana Dalwadi says. December 5, 2015 at 2 45 PM. Hello sir, pls tell me Forex Trading fantastic Opportunity its legal or not. Just received a message about a fantastic Opportunity for Investors in Forex Trading 1 Min 30 Lacs to Max 50 lacs investment 2 Period of investment 2 options 20 days option and 40 days option 3 ROI 60 on investment after 20 days eg For 50 Lacs investor gets 80 lacs after 20 days Profit of 30 lacs 4 Agreement will be signed 5 ROI will be transfered through RTGS to the same bank account from where the investment is made. by my mail id thanks. December 5, 2015 at 8 08 PM. Kalpana-It is still illegal If the person is so confident of 60 return then why he is running behind clients for investment If that much is the return then in few months he may be WORLD s RICHEST PERSON Then why he is begging you to invest Simply understand the basics of investment rules-1 Anything illegal is always dangerous and may leads to lost in your principal too 2 Higher return always leads to higher risk Think and decide. January 10, 2016 at 10 37 PM. hello sir, but theres still a large number of people trading in the forex markets and brokerages freely operating in the country how the hell are they getting away with it after so long how come no action has been taken on top of that dont think the banks are freezing any accounts as such also. January 11, 2016 at 9 35 AM. May 24, 2015 at 2 35 PM. its really knowledgeably blog apart from forex there is a lot of information regarding investment planing but may I KNOW why forex trading is illegal in india i try to find out why it illegal although there are more immersing country like india give permission to trad in forex market broker i think not cheater they are regulated by some designed authority like FCS, MIFID, CYSEC, a have thier proper platform and advance platform for trading their deposit and withdrawal process also very esay now the question come how do i know about it i was at dubai few year back i revived a call from one of forex broker representative he teach me some thing about week i did research on it first i invested 5 k usd that i lost with in 1 month again i deposit 5 k usd and 4 month i trad with them after 4 month i withdraw 46 k usd broker was also upset with me but i made money with my knowledge so find out some way to do go against there would be way as big corrupt ministers and doing. May 24, 2015 at 6 11 PM. Arun-If big corrupt ministers breaking law means we too Is the Forex trading only way to earn money There are enough opportunities for trader s in India itself then why this ONLY. June 8, 2015 at 12 02 AM. Those companies were really good before promoters started robbing investors not the lack of you name a few companies with your great knowledge that will give me returns 5 years from now I am ready to if I make losses from the names you suggest, will you compensate me for the losses incurred because of your said I lack, no one can suggest RISK is you invest, it doesnt matter how the stock a joke Imagine a person who invested 65 lakhs in L will lose a lot even if stock moves by a small the guarantee that stock will always move up after you invest What if it doesn t even after 20 years Will you keep the money INVESTED adamantly till you reach 70.And coming to your final in forex I already told you its not easy to manipulate forex as it is to manipulate a because huge amount flows in and it involves huge amount of risk to manipulate forex, even banks are not brave enough to take the risk of manipulating forex, as they appoint quali fied traders to trade on their behalf who trade with strict like as you said, invest and are current range should matter to you even if you be as a certified financial planner, you only throw pieces of advice to your clients to INVEST AND FORGET ABOUT CURRENT DOESNT MATTER AS YOU RE a few years your clients will be after. June 8, 2015 at 9 47 AM. Sarath-Equity investment meant for 5 years This where you and me getting different views Check your facts about equity INVESTMENT Volatility is inherent But it subdue when we invest for long term When you invest in cheap stocks or the stocks which recommended by the so-called experts who in turn brokers then there is high possibility that they turn to negative Look at people who look for value investment For example Basant Maheshwari and Manekar a person recently in news due to UB Invest and Forget is not meant for any investment. The difference between you and me is, you are negating the views of stock market TRADING, but I am putting the views o f stock market INVESTING Hope you understand the difference. December 18, 2015 at 11 59 AM. Hi i like very much your opinions and comments i agree your comments regarding this issue i am alos professional Forex trader like you sine 2010, plz send me your contact to my mail, we can share our views which may help a lot both of us thanks in advance. March 28, 2015 at 11 59 PM. Bro, i have read allot about this Forex illegality in INDIA, and fed up reading I am also a trader earning a good amount Not only me but there are so many traders earning through forex and withdrawing in lacs per month in INDIA, still no problem - So i am planning to go to foriegn country and open a bank account there and withdraw all my PROFITS in that bank account, and there are some banks in foriegn countries which provides instant bank account opening to Foriegners within 1-2 days Then tell if i do like this and come back to india and use that money here is it still illegal i dont think so it will be illegal - And as per RBI it is stated that, We can transact 75,000 per year, and we dont have to give any reason for such transaction to RBI or Bank If it is done in a safe way Read carefully and reply back what you say about this. March 29, 2015 at 8 43 AM. March 1, 2015 at 12 20 PM. I am also a forex trader, a signal provider and pool account manager in forex business from last 4 years and able to develop a very big and good forex earning business model where a comman man easily can earn from 10,000-50,000 INR sitting at home and can improve the life of a comman man or weaker section After reading all the points above i would like to mention few points here please and need support.1 Forex trading from India is illegal and there is no doubt about it but we want to do it legally from India and its legal way is you can be NRI and use the own account into that particular country where forex trading is legally allowed and can remit your profits into NRE account and can show the concern authority about your e arnings and pay taxex accordingly and it is legal because you have used your stored capital for the forex trading there not by remitting funds from India.2 You can form a company out side India where forex trading is legally allowed as a subsidiary of your Indian company Indian company will be parent company but this for those who have already own any company in India and remit funds outside to subsidiary company and subsidiary will do forex trading and will revert you the benefits as a dividend and it is legal.3 As this is the world s largest business more than 5 Trillion USD per day so no doubt if someone has its knowledge and proper risk management then life can be changed in short span of time and i do not feel personally that there is such a good earning opportunity on earth except Forex trading and for indian people where unemployment and poverty too high then why Indian Government is not allowing to do for a comman man whereas all political party and leaders talk about comman ma n so i think they should be serious on this business opportunity and make the laws accordingly.4 Its my view that most of the Indian Political Parties and Leaders except few leaders but may be they do not know about forex trading potential so could not be focused on this talk about the welfare of the people but never think seriously to do for them because if comman man will be financially strong then never will accept their dirty politics so they think that comman man should be always poor and struggler with there problems.5 If this business have not good potential and liking with mass then why millions of millions of people attracting towards it Very small small countries like UAE, Indonesia, Japan and many more have allowed forex trading legally in own country then why not India I think it is the totally matter of intentions and nothing else Is there not involved risk for the comman man there.6 I am not a follower of any party but i know the power of aam aadmi comman man its result w e have seen in Delhi election so my view is that we should all forex trading lovers should organise and make a common sign letter and give to Shri Narendra Modi sir who is our hourable Prime Minister as he thinks always about comman man and think for the bottom people and when we all shall be together present our interest and concern then we hope that sure he will re think and talk to the concern authorities to do it legally from India As he has also own drive for online Digital India concept and Skill Development program I think Forex Trading skill should be covered into his skill development program We are also interested to do it legally from India and i am more confident that India has the best tallent in world and best growing your population so we can bring huge capital to our financial institutions through forex trading and can change jointly many comman man life I am also a trader and can generate up to 30 per month profits easily from forex trading.7 Already millions of people doing this business by wrong way which is also a huge loss for the government and my view is that indian government can get good revenues through this business if legally allowed. i think for this program please email me and decide jointly how we can be collective for this concern and can be reach our message to the government I think huge unemployment can be remove by this business I need your valuable feed back or suggetion please All the best. With regards. Eknath kadam says. March 18, 2015 at 8 20 PM. June 9, 2014 at 2 26 PM. Dear Mr Tonagatti, Nice article Good insight about Forex trading in India and government regulations One thing which I did not like here is the negative views about Forex trading As you may be aware of the fact that several people are trading Forex successfully using some consistent strategy method The problem with Indian laws and lawmakers particularly in last couple of decades they lack balanced thinking while making any laws They lack vision and mostly their thinking is one-sided while framing any law Laws are meant to cover almost all situations and almost all people and benefits almost all those come under law Also, they are supposed to provide checks and balances to make it harder to violate such laws Of course there will be exceptions and few corner cases but in this Forex laws they are totally ignorant about the people who can successfully trade Forex and change their lives for better Person from poor background can become financially well-off with Forex trading if he has right skills I am not suggesting that Forex trading is easy and everybody can trade successfully But, there are certainly some people those who can Trade successfully And these so called laws are not fair to these people. June 9, 2014 at 3 32 PM. Ash-I am also not against Forex Trading but against crossing legality of land You may say many things but still there are risks involved and common Indian investors who are more of FD savvy can t understand these products But let us hope for future Govt regulations and law changes for few intelligent investors. June 6, 2014 at 9 26 PM. I m from India, and I m forex traders, and I can say that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me Forex trading is not legal in India, however it is one of the most risky business, but I can say that Forex has changed my life And I would never ever quit forex trading, so I have decided to go abroad to establish my trading Skills I already have offer from Canada, Australis, UK and Poland So I have decided to go to Poland. I also think that people should get into this business to change their life. June 7, 2014 at 9 44 AM. May 16, 2014 at 6 02 AM. Hi sir Basavaraj , i am not invested my own money in forex, I am teaching forex trading in online, and few of my students outside India invest some good money in their forex a c, and i will trade on that a c for training them with their own real forex a c s forex a c s with my student s name I will recieve the payment from my students for my trading performance on their real a c s I just act as a working partner and my student act as an investor I will recieve my trading payment of the students a c through e-c urrencies like perfect money, neteller, skrill, etc i want to know that i am trading only in foreigner a c s students outside india and getting profits from their trading a c s through ecurrencies, so my activities are legal or illegal to RBI. If I want to pay Income tax, how i can pay for my income from my student s a c foreigner a c s. May 16, 2014 at 7 48 AM. Arun-In your case I am not aware whether your status is NRI or not Second thing is, you are acting on behalf of your students and using their account details to do trade Also you get your share from your students account to your account Then legally how you can be liable for any trading done on behalf of your student But at the same time doing such set of transactions, do you think you are doing right thing on behalf of student who may face some legal issue if their money is transacting from Indian original bank account You are claiming to be teacher but before giving suggestion better to understand what will be percussion of your student and whether they are doing such acts within the law of land or not So think yourself and act. Pawan Kumar says. May 13, 2014 at 1 06 PM. I am trading in forex for 4 years, and till today, there is no problem I faced, I made withdrawal and successfully get money. I start with free money Contest. Last week I made another withdrawal This time I used another bank account Today I got call from this bank and they asked about money they received in my name I told them that this is from forex trading They said forex trading is not legal in India Shock time for me, I made another withdrawal in last month and got money without any problem. What I need to do to complete this transaction 355 EUR. May 13, 2014 at 1 34 PM. May 8, 2014 at 1 06 AM. I saw all u r commends and what I noticed that apart from this legal issue Here is small story of my trading history with forex currently I am trading in international market from past 4 years prior to this I was ex employ of Indian commodity company headin g regional branches in Karnataka for almost 8 years and m also a financial planner for my respected clients now here is comparison between indian commodities and international commodity Step 1 not hedging is allowed in indian market with but hedging is allowed in Cfx there u avoid lose Step 2 fundamental and technical analysation is very easy in international market but here in indian market is possible Step 3 margin utilisation is very low in Cfx 1 400 leverage and profit spreads also is same but in indian market let me u can t Step 3 afcourse I agree that non of indian regulatory are involved in forex but FSA is involved its international govt boby to safe guard the investor money because I trade with ECN brokers they are not a market maker Step 4 if u r forex or CFx platform is registered under FSA and listed under ECN brokers then there is no issue with u r investment there are lot value added advantages in international market if u r a smart trader u r going to make money with out fail indian people are fails to make money even thow with smart because market tuning it s very harder to cone with profit in commodity. May 8, 2014 at 8 59 AM. Madhu-Thanks for sharing your views But do you think that such complicated product when we look at normal Indian investor will understand product easily and do his own technical and risk appetite things Also barring such trading in India is due to some money laundering issues When you say easy to analyse the international market, may I know in what context you are saying this Regarding regulatory framework, do you feel for retail investor it is very much easy to interact with international regulator to deal Also Indian market or investor not to that extent that they can think of international market, because of low penetration to equity market itself Apart from these for investor there are lot of other options to understand and trade Why to take such complication and risk your money. May 10, 2014 at 2 16 AM. Madhu sir, i m a Forex trader too but newbie thank you I have bit confusion in financial matters, i need you guidance on how to withdraw and all I m really hving so much hope on this business, Please give your mail id or skype id so that i can contact you you. May 3, 2014 at 5 06 AM. I am an indian citizen living in australia on work permit Visa I have been living abroad from last 2 years and might live for another 2 years Forex Trading is legal in this country So If I do forex trading in Australia, will it be legal I am not paying any taxes in india and not making any remittances from India to Australia account. May 3, 2014 at 8 15 PM. August 20, 2014 at 2 30 AM. Thanks for sharing excellent information I have some questions Could you please clarify. Question 1 My situation is also same as Jay situation Having an Australian bank account and have work permit visa Only problem is after working in Australia I came back to india and I am residing in india now Now can I do forex trading online from india using my Austr alian bank account only but not any indian bank accounts. Question 2 Also if I get any profit in forex trading can I transfer the amount from my Australian bank account to NRE account Do I need to explain the source of income to RBI Could you please let me know. Thanks for your time. August 20, 2014 at 10 34 AM. Rohit-You can do so But how you bring that money to India You need to explain the source of such amount if tax authorities asked for the same Because you are staying here and definitely Indian bank officials raise the issue Then what you say them. August 25, 2014 at 12 36 AM. Thank you Sir Sorry for the delayed response I have one more question. I have stayed more than 6 months outside india In that case I think I attain NRI status I would like to know if there is any provision that NRIs can do forex trading while residing in india temporarily Could you please clarify. August 25, 2014 at 1 07 PM. Rohit-The status of NRI will not come into picture Because if you are using money transfer facility of Indian origin like your savings, current or NRE accounts then definitely it will be an issue. February 26, 2015 at 9 27 PM. Dear Mr Basavaraj. I have a similar question which I d be very grateful if you can answer. I worked for several years in Australia, later became a citizen there and am also an OCI dual citizenship in India Now I m working in India for the past few years, so I m a resident of India. I still have some savings left in my Australian bank account can I use that for forex trading in an account opened there itself. In such case I will use only the existing savings held in Australia and not remit any forex from India I will take care to correctly report pay applicable taxes in Australia and India I would be receiving the profit withdrawals in my Australian bank account, which I would remit to my SB Resident account in India as and when required the trading account is provided by a reputed company having offices in UK, Australia and a few other countries and register ed with the appropriate authority body. In this scenario would it be legal to trade forex Please advise soonest possible. Many thanks in advance. February 27, 2015 at 11 31 AM. Shrikanth-But what source you mention when you remit the cash from Australia to India. February 27, 2015 at 12 16 PM. I will mention as own funds as it would be out of income earned in AUS on which I would have paid the tax there. I have transferred this way several times without any trouble. February 27, 2015 at 1 27 PM. Shrikanth-Currently you are staying in India then how this OWN FUNDS I don t know what is prompting you to take such risk, when rest of the investments are easily available legally for you. February 27, 2015 at 5 08 PM. The legality is what I m checking with you Since a I m not using forex remitted out of India and b it is openly declared, tax-paid income and c I m a foreign national dual citizen does it not fall outside the scope of the FEMA RBI rules Can you please explain in detail. I know there are other options for investments in India but as I have acquired substantial skill knowledge of forex trading I want to include that in my portfolio if feasible. I also want to want to check in case forex trading and CFDs are not allowable because they are margin products , how about forex Options e g those offered by Saxo Bank and Binary Options. February 28, 2015 at 10 17 AM. Shrikanth-There is no illegal ity if you do trading using the Australian Bank But my question is how you justify the source of amount when you remit the cash to Indian To be frank, I am not a big fan of trading But a huge fan of equity investment. February 28, 2015 at 1 20 PM. Hi, thanks for confirming there s no illegality when using AUS bank account would help if you can point out the specific section or circular for my reference Regarding the source for remittance to India I will re-check with my bank and CA I too agree equity investment is good for stable long-term returns but think this trading has it s own significance and can be a small part of the total portfolio. Thanks once again Shrikanth. April 27, 2014 at 5 44 PM. Having read and heard abut this a lot there is not doubt that Forex trading is illegal in India But thousands of Indian traders are still involved in it and the numbers are continuing to increase I m not yet involved in any such trading but the question that crosses my mind is What is it in Forex trading that makes it so illegal Why RBI has problems with Indian traders trading Forex. April 27, 2014 at 6 15 PM. Vipul-Place where trading takes place are the countries which have loose law against money laundering So if RBI permits this then easily a best route for illegal activity. April 28, 2014 at 12 13 AM. So if money laundering is what RBI is trying to prevent that means Indians are being kept away from an amazing money making opportunity just because there are no proper regulations in India towards Forex trading Instead of restricting people don t you think RBI should have a proper regulating body for Forex trading to solve the issue What do you think. April 28, 2014 at 8 25 AM. Vipula-It is not a problem of RBI but the problem of countries where trade get executed These countries have loose laws Hence to safe guard the Indian economy RBI must act so. April 28, 2014 at 12 14 PM. Safeguard our Economy Is this what RBI says I wonder why in the US, Europe, Australia and UK the regulatin g bodies feel otherwise Why don t they feel it necessary to take such steps to safeguard their economy. April 28, 2014 at 3 02 PM. Vipula-Economical or in other words the countries you mentioned are not reeling under black money or some other financial threats to that extent than India Also what is the point in following the so called BIG BOSS blindly To be frank such forex trading offerings will not be from US, Europe or Australia but from the countries like Indonasia or some other third world countries. April 28, 2014 at 3 08 PM. July 21, 2014 at 11 29 AM. there are forex company s based in australia, uk, new zealand, germany etc, and that info provided by him that forex services are provided only by third world countries is inaccurate and very prejudiced, there are many local and international traders in fx based from those countries, money laundering are allowed by big indian fishes to hide their black money but not by law abiding regular resident indians who does forex for bread making activity is a very dual sided, discriminated, prejudiced and marginalized policy hope rbi at least check on the indian traders credentials and allow them to do conditional forex trading if they are that scared of loosing money by sending amounts less than 5000 usd per year. July 21, 2014 at 2 48 PM. Bharath-Thanks for commenting But why those Australian Forex Brokers not luring Indian investors Why only from third world countries. May 10, 2014 at 2 12 AM. Hello Sir thanks for bringing your experience in to public, this gave me chance to clear my doubts about Forex Trading Sir i m good at Forex trading and i m earning decent income there, but i didn t invest any money on my own, i received a bonus from a broker for winning a contest and using that bonus i improved my trading balance and planning to withdraw when i read about RBI regulations i haapened to see this FAQ. Q 27 Can a person resident in India hold assets outside India. Ans In terms of sub-section 4, of Section 6 of the Foreign Exchan ge Management Act, 1999, a person resident in India is free to hold, own, transfer or invest in foreign currency, foreign security or any immovable property situated outside India if such currency, security or property was acquired, held or owned by such person when he was resident outside India or inherited from a person who was resident outside India. So my first question is can i receive money from a Electronic payment processor like Moneybooker or Skrill instead of individual outside India As this company is situated out India but has a branch in India, so even i withdraw through this processor and mention source of income as Forex investment that shouldn t be a problem right I mean it should be like Gift or insurance for sure. If above process is not available the only way is to open a bank account outside India Is it possible. May 10, 2014 at 11 19 AM. Sidhu-You are understanding it wrongly Please add your shared RBI ruling with what I shared above regarding holding currency derivativ es Then you will find differentiation If you transfer through any means and mentioned as Forex Investment then they may unearth the source of investment, where it is invested and whether it is legal or not So you need to answer all those questions Opening bank account in your name outside India is solution But will the country where you are intended to open account is so free that any outsider can open account and transfer funds as their wish Think and decide. April 8, 2014 at 10 36 AM. Sir I have already transferred some money in the account of aforesaid company but yet not started any transaction After reading your article now I don t want to trade with them Can I withdrawn my money safely. Forex, CFDs and Gold. Have an opinion on the US Dollar Trade it. Forex, CFDs and Gold. Forex, Spread Betting and CFDS. 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